Big Pharma Product: Peter Hotez
Peter has been funded by Big Pharma from day one but he doesn't want you to know that.
When the mainstream media needs a spokesperson to propagandize the public they always call Peter and present him as some sort of scientist saint who only cares about the well-being of poor people. Of course his solution to poor people’s plight is always vaccines no matter what. He speaks about them with a religious fervor that has done a great job deceiving people up to t his point. The city of Houston has even created a “Dr. Peter Hotez Day” if you can believe that.
He not only has got his own day but did you know he was also recently nominated for the Nobel Prize? It is quite amazing, he has led a charmed professional life from day one and I am going to take you down memory lane so you can learn about why he seems to be so charmed and trotted out anytime the media needs a “vaccine expert” to do Big Pharma’s bidding. It all start in 1989 when Peter received his first grant in the amount of $100,000 from none other than everyone’s favorite evil Pharmaceutical company Pfizer. Perhaps this explains him whoring himself out on television by telling everyone on earth, pregnant women and small children included, to get the mRNA gene therapy injected into them?
Meet the Houston doctor who has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize
I know this is extremely hard to believe but Peter owes much of his success to three men, Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and Bill Clinton. In 1996, Fauci approved a $2.9M NIAID grant for Hotez to study tropical diseases, carrying on a program that began in the Rockefeller Foundation.
The same Rockefeller Foundation that a century earlier was funding the Eugenics movement that was widely popular among the America aristocracy and then adopted by this guy named Adolph Hitler in Germany that you may have heard of.
Pete would coin the term "neglected tropical diseases" and would sometimes call what he was working on "anti-poverty vaccines". Although Pete admitted that most of these diseases exist because of poverty.
The Global Fight to Develop Antipoverty Vaccines in the Anti-Vaccine Era
Rather than address root causes, Pete has spawned a neglected tropical disease industrial complex, dependent on the perpetual poverty that he claims his pharmaceutical products combat. n 2000, with $18 million from the Gates Foundation, he founded his own department in George Washington University and the Sabin Vaccine Institute started the Human Hookworm Vaccine Initiative to continue its development.
GW Medical Center and Bill and Melinda Gates Collaboration Announcement
Miraculously in 2003, he was a Pfizer-visiting professor in tropical diseases at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. What are the odds?
That same year Pete began work on a coronavirus vaccine but he had to shelve the project because unfortunately for him SARS flamed out and didn't claim enough lives to obtain more funding. Sad Pete :(
Scientists were close to a coronavirus vaccine years ago. Then the money dried up.
Not to be deterred, Pete pulled up his boot straps paid for by Pfizer and began devoting his time to the development of drugs to test on underdeveloped and hyper exploited countries in Latin America, Africa & South Asia. Hotez wrote in 2004, “with funding from the Gates Foundation, I believe that we can have in hand over the next decade vaccines from malaria, dengue and hookworm.” He was wrong about that prediction, one of many.
Nonetheless praise from Bill "One of the Foundation’s key partners, Professor Peter Hotez, who’s doing inspiring work on tropical diseases and we’re very excited about being able to back some breakthroughs there and have a huge impact." -Bill Gates
Gates Foundation Commits Nearly $70 Million to Help Fight Neglected Tropical Diseases
Let's jump ahead to 2012 when our lord and savior Anthony Fauci funded Pete with a 6 year, $6,060,973 grant to develop a SARS-CoV Vaccine using the SARS-CoV Spike Protein.
From the grant: “SARS outbreaks remain a serious concern mainly due to possible zoonotic reintroduction of SARS-CoV into humans, ACCIDENTAL RELEASE FROM A LABORATORY OR DELIBERATE SPREADING OF THE VIRUS BY A BIO-TERRORIST ATTACK."
RBD recombinant protein-based SARS vaccine for biodefense
“The cell bank production, production processes and the formulation technology for the rRBD-based SARS vaccine will be transferred to Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR) pilot facility for 60-L scale GMP manufacture, formulation and fill and finish."
Here are the project numbers and funding by Fiscal Year.
In 2014, President Obama named Hotez as U.S. Science Envoy to implement what he called vaccine diplomacy in the Middle East and North Africa.
My Activities as United States Science Envoy
Hotez wrote: “Vaccine science diplomacy could also lead to the development and testing of some highly-innovated neglected disease vaccines” “poor populations [..] have rights to biomedical innovation”
Vaccine Diplomacy: Historical Perspectives and Future Directions
The same year Pete was named science envoy Ebola became the next global threat. “Ebola fears throughout the country, experts now warning of the unavoidable spread of the virus in Europe and what happened to that vaccine for Ebola.”
More cases of Ebola in Europe "unavoidable", WHO Says
Obama responded to the "Ebola Threat" by announcing a military command center in Liberia.
Remarks by the President on the Ebola Outbreak
"At the request of the Liberian government, we’re going to establish a military command center in Liberia to support civilian efforts across the region -- similar to our response after the Haiti earthquake. It’s going to be commanded by Major General Darryl Williams"
Obama sought $6 billion to support these efforts. “Our scientists continued their urgent research in the hope of finding new treatments and perhaps vaccines, and today I’m calling on Congress to approve the funding that we’ve requested.”
This was to be a boon for the pharmaceutical industry but required medical experiments that were highly unethical. A prominent Bioethicist, G. Kevin Donovan, MD, MA, Director of the Pellegrino Center for Clinical Bioethics at Georgetown University Medical Center, spoke out.
“These drugs have never been tested in humans. Therefore the dangerous and adverse effects can neither be known nor safely predicted. It’s entirely possible they may be ineffective or even harmful."
"What has been done here is not research, but rather it is scary, experimental treatment. Some of these misadventures occurred on the African continent, leading to a pervasive distrust of Western drug companies using Africans as their experimental guinea pigs."
Though Ebola eventually subsided without any vaccines, Hotez and the Sabin Institute have continued developing them along with other products. In September 2022, he attempted to again rebrand his experimental pharmaceutical products. This time as Malnutrition Vaccines, claiming that, “approval processes could be accelerated to help avert an imminent food catastrophe or even potential mass starvation events. We must begin this process imminently.”
Let's recap shall we? To date, Hotez has received:
-$4.2 million from Mexican billionaire, Carlos Slim’s Foundation
-$9.6 million from Fauci’s NIAID
-$44 million from the Gates Foundation He continues to maintain close relationships with pharmaceutical giants like Pfizer and Eli Lilly.
Hotez’s own 2012 to 2017 NIH grant for the development of a SARS vaccine had the stated aim of responding to any “accidental release from a laboratory,” in addition to a possible zoonotic spillover of the virus. As part of his NIH grant, Hotez subcontracted funding for research on combined or “chimeric” coronaviruses, a scientific paper shows. Hotez’s grant underwrote two of Shi’s collaborators on the project. [Shi headed the Wuhan lab’s coronavirus modification project]. In the 2017 paper co-funded by Hotez, Shi and her colleagues generated a recombinant virus from two SARS-related coronaviruses: “rWIV1-SHC014S.” The article also showed how Hotez worked over and over to cover up the possibility SARS-CoV-2 could have come from a lab. Given how bad the PR would be for him if this became known, his behavior is somewhat understandable.
Cross-neutralization of SARS coronavirus-specific antibodies against bat SARS-like coronaviruses
“This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (81290341, 31621061 to Zheng-Li Shi), the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDPB0301 to Zheng-Li Shi), National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of National Institutes of Health grant (R01AI110964 to Zheng-Li Shi), the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2016YFC1201000 to Shibo Jiang) and NIH grant (R01AI098775 to Shibo Jiang and Lanying Du).”
Hotez’ Sabin Institute is now at Baylor University in Houston, Texas. Flush with funding from the Gates Foundation despite having never succeeded in developing a working vaccine. In the era of COVID-19, Hotez has become one of the most aggressive ideologues of the emergent biomedical security complex demanding questioning be censored, and criticism criminalized. He has been making the rounds in the media promoting his new book “The Deadly Rise of Anti-Science” in which he demonizes anyone who criticizes his orthodoxy and tries to make a case that this type of dissent should be criminalized. Not surprisingly the press has dutifully repeated these assertions in an attempt to gain public acceptance of this criminalization.
Peter Hotez’s name was also floated as a potential replacement for Anthony Fauci’s role as the director of NIAID, a position of great power that essentially controls the purse strings on all research funds doled out by the HHS. It is clear that Peter Hotez is nothing more than a paid propagandist who tows the line between industry and government in order to push an agenda on the American public, many of whom who have taken the bait, hook line and sinker. It doesn’t matter if he has been funded by some of the most evil organizations on the planet, look at him how harmful can he be, he wears a bow tie and stands just over 5 foot tall? I regret to inform you that he can and has been very harmful to the public by lying to them regularly on national television about how vaccines have saved the world. Ask yourself this, if vaccines have been so “safe and effective” historically, why would the manufacturers require blanket legal liability immunity for their products? Make this point the next time a friend or family member start spouting their cult like beliefs about vaccines and watch their brain melt right in front of your eyes.
I'll leave you with a passage from Robert F. Kennedy’s "The Real Anthony Fauci" which I think perfectly explains the dangerous situation we find ourselves in with all of these paid experts.
"These “experts”—Paul Offit, Peter Hotez, Stanley Plotkin, Ian Lipkin, William Schaffner, Kathleen Edwards, Arthur Caplan, Stanley Katz, Greg Poland, and Andrew Pollard—appear between Pharma ads on network and cable news shows to promote the annual flu shots and measles scares, to drum up fears about COVID, and to rail against “anti-vaxxers.” They write the steady stream of editorials that appear in local and national newspapers to reinforce the hackneyed orthodoxies of the pharmaceutical paradigms—“all vaccines are safe and effective,” etc. They root out heresy by sitting on the state medical boards—the “Inquisition” courts—that censure and de-license dissident doctors. They control the medical journals and peer-review journal literature to fortify Pharma’s agenda. They teach on medical school faculties, populate journal editorial boards, and chair university departments. They supervise hospitals and chair hospital departments. They act as expert witnesses for pharmaceutical companies in civil court and the federal vaccine court. They present awards to one another."
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