The Curious Case Of Excess Deaths
We have been told that to date 1.1 Million people have died in the United States from the disease COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic.
We have also seen some disturbing excess death numbers coming in over the last 2 years that seem to suggest something other than covid may also be causing deaths. I’ve used the well known site for excess death/daily covid death data and the death statistics at the end are pulled directly from the “Group Life COVID-19 Mortality Survey Report.
The report was conducted by the Society of Actuaries Research Institute. Here is how they characterize themselves according to their website “Representing the thousands of actuaries who help conduct critical research, the SOA Research Institute provides clarity and solutions on risks and societal challenges. The Institute connects actuaries, academics, employers, the insurance industry, regulators, research partners, foundations and research institutions, sponsors and non- governmental organizations, building an effective network which provides support, knowledge and expertise regarding the management of risk to benefit the industry and the public.”
First let have a look at Overall Excess Mortality and COVID-19 daily deaths to see what correlations we may be able to draw with the COVID Vaccine Timeline of Events kept in mind. On December 14th 2020 when the vaccines were approved for high risk individuals, health care workers, nursing homes and first responders, excess mortality sat at 46% over baseline which was set by calculating the average number of death from 2015-2019.
The excess death shot up to the all time high since the pandemic began to 52% over baseline by January 3rd, 2021.

Over the next 3 months by April 18th all cause excess mortality took a nose dive from the all time high of 52% on January 3rd to 9%. So it is conceivable that the vaccines did indeed do their job and reduced mortality in high risk individuals.
However this is where the story began to change.
Daily confirmed COVID-19 deaths continue to drop until May 22nd, 2021 to 554 per day as you can see in this graph.
On May 23rd, 12-17 year olds were authorized and overall excess death rose from 9% on April 18th to 14% in less than a month on May 23rd.

However COVID-19 daily death tolls continued to decline with Daily Death attributed to COVID-19 plummeting to 227 per day by July 9th.

Interestingly overall excess death hovered between 12%-14% from May 23rd to July 18th. 4 days prior on July 14th calls for medical facilities to start requiring vaccination began.

From July 18th until September 5th excess death skyrocketed from 13% to 46% a 33% rise. So what occurred in the 49 days where we see this historic increase in excess deaths?
Many will attribute this rise to the delta variant which emerged in the US in in the summer of 2021 and peaking in the first week of September. I’m not convinced.
We can see from the daily COVID-19 deaths graph that in that same period, after bottoming out in early July the deaths attributed to COVID also sky rocketed. From 227 per day as of July 9th to 1589 by September 3rd.
The question is why would there be such extreme variation in COVID-19 deaths? Especially considering the vaccination had been available for anyone 16+ since April 15? Unless there was something else that could have been causing these deaths and the cause was conveniently misattributed to the delta variant. So from the period of record low COVID-19 deaths in the first week of July 2021 since the pandemic started to the end of September 2021, what occurred aside from the new “variant of concern”?
During this time period several important things occurred. Biden called for federal workers to be vaccinated on July 29th.
Biden requiring federal workers to prove Covid vaccine status or submit to strict safety rules
Keep in mind by August 3rd 70% of the US was vaccinated, with 90% over 65 taking at least one dose. Excess death sat around 21% and still rising.
U.S. reaches 70% Covid vaccine milestone for adults about a month behind Biden’s goal
On August 6th, California mandated Health Care Workers get the shot.
California Will Require Vaccines For Workers In Health Care Facilities
On August 14th A 3rd dose of Pfizer-BioNTech recommended for the immunocompromised.
CDC recommends third Covid-19 vaccine does for certain immunocompromised people
August 18th the Centers for Medicare & Medicare (CMS) mandates them for nursing homes.
FDA approval for 16+ occurs on August 23rd and the very next day on the 24th major corporations announce mandates
“Nearly half of those surveyed (46 percent) are more strongly considering a new vaccine mandate due to the recent rise in cases; “
Littler COVID-19 Vaccine Employer Survey Report — Delta Variant Update August 2021
Excess had skyrocketed to 40% by August 20th. Now I’m no rocket scientists but isn’t it a fair question to ask why excess death was skyrocketing at this time if 70% of America had been vaccinated? Is it not fair to assume that if the vaccines worked as advertised, wouldn’t excess death drop in the months after mass adoption?
Just 2 days later on August 26th the Pentagon announced mandates them for active service members.
Pentagon makes Pfizer vaccine mandatory after FDA approval - memo
Also at the beginning of September more than 800 colleges announce a mandate for fall semester.
Full FDA Approval Triggers More Universities To Require The COVID-19 Vaccine
We then see a precipitous decline in excess mortality from the high of 46% on September 5th to 26% on November 7th 2021. Keep in mind we were still very high above baseline.
3 days earlier on November 4th Biden issued his mandates and gave a date of January 4th for everyone to vaccinated or provide a negative test.
Businesses have until after the holidays to implement Biden Covid vaccine mandate
This was followed by all the boosters being approved for 18+ on November 20th 2021.
F.D.A. Authorizes Coronavirus Booster Shots for All Adults
The month of November 2021 hovered around 24%-26% excess death but then from November 28th to December 12th we see it jump 4% from 26% to 30%.
It then dips back down to 27% by December 19th before skyrocketing once again over the next month from 27% to 45% all cause excess mortality by January 30th 2022 back to where we were on September 5th 2021. We certainly can’t blame this on the Delta or Omicron variant can we?

During this time period the daily COVID-19 death per day were at 1446 per day on September 6th, rising to 2071 by September 25th.

They then began plummeting to 1222 by November 8th, four days after the mandates were announced and they continue their decline to 824 per day by November 27th, 2021

Guess what happens next in the COVID-19 per day death numbers? They skyrocket from the low of 824 per day on November 27th to 2,605 by February 1st 2022, coinciding almost precisely with the mandates and booster roll out.
Then from February 2022 to May 1st we see COVID-19 deaths per day plummet from 2,605 to 337. They have remained between 300 and 575 per day since.
Group Life COVID-19 Mortality Survey Report - August 2021
I know the skeptic in you is probably saying to yourself, this doesn’t mean the vaccines are responsible for all these deaths. You’re right, surely not all of them, Delta could have contributed to the surge in the summer of 2021. Even though they incidentally coincided with mandates and boosters as well but Delta doesn’t explain the giant excess mortality we see in Q3 2021. Now lets have a look at the data provided by the Society of Actuaries Research Institute. As I just mentioned Q3 2021 is of particular interest, as you will see there was a tremendous rise in excess mortality for the working age group.
This coincides with the authorization of the vaccines in mid-April 2021, beginning of Q2 and when the mandates starting occurring in July & August, middle of Q3. Again these are objective numbers that have been compiled from multiple sources within the insurance industry.
Here they come right out and say it.
“In the third quarter of 2021, a moderate negative correlation was seen between vaccination rate and excess mortality by state.”
As you can see here it is the young that were experiencing the most excess death in Q3 2021.
This table breaks down the death by industries. Note that even though I’m highlighting Q3, you’ll find that there are significant excess death throughout 2020 and 2021 but the most increases occur post vaccine rollout.
I hope that this has given you some insight in regards to the excess death we have seen over the last two years. The government public health apparatus, media industrial complex, academia, and corporate America have stuck the proverbial head in the sand on this issue. They know the consequences if enough of the population start asking questions about this matter. Instead they prefer you keep getting boosted indefinitely.
Faithfully gobbling up industrial strength propaganda on a worldwide scale and demonizing your fellow citizens in order to keep us separated physically, mentally and spiritually. We are witnessing an ongoing crime against humanity with no end in sight, unless we stop it. I’m not claiming to know the truth, I am just trying to present evidence and trust that you can decide for yourself. The signs are everywhere, if you allow yourself to see them.
Vaccine Rollout Timeline:
December 14, 2020
- High Risk workers in health care and first responders
-Residents and staff of nursing home, assisted living facilities and community based settings where residents over 65 are receiving care
December 31, 2020
-All workers in health care settings
January 18th, 2021
-Anyone 65 or older
-Anyone 50 or older in a multi-generational household
March 2, 2021
-Pre-K and K-12 educators and staff
-Child care staff
March 17, 2021
-Remaining first responders
-Anyone 16 or older and pregnant
-Anyone 16 or older with a disability that puts them at high risk
March 31, 2021
-Anyone 16 or older with two or more underlying conditions
-Anyone 60 and Older
-People/staff/volunteers in other congregate settlings
-Other at-risk critical worker in certain congregate settings like food services, manufacturing, and construction
April 15, 2021
-Pfizer-BioNTech is authorized for age 16+
-Moderna and J&J are authorized for 18+
May 12, 2021
-Pfizer-BioNTech authorized for 12-17 year olds
July 14, 2021
-Calls for medical facilities to require workers be vaccinated
July 29, 2021
-Biden call for Federal Workers to be vaccinated
August 3, 2021
-70% of the United States have been vaccinated with 90% of 65+ having received at least one dose
August 6, 2021
-California is the first state to mandate vaccination for HCW and estimated 2.2 million people. Sept 30 set as deadline.
August 14, 2021
-A third dose (in primary series) of Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna recommended in certain immunocompromised individuals
August 18th, 2021
-CMS Mandates Vaccines for nursing homes
August 23, 2021
-Pfizer-BioNTech FDA “approved” for 16+ under name Comirnaty. As of today, you will not find Comirnaty available in the United States yet. Why is that?
August 24, 2021
-Vaccine mandates announced by several large corporations
August 26, 2021
-Pentagon Mandates Pfizer Vaccine for all active duty
Early September 2021
-More than 800 Colleges start requiring covid vaccination to attend
September 9th, 2021
-Order requiring federal employees be vaccinated by November 22.
-Biden announces all companies with over 100 employees mandate vaccinations or undergo weekly testing
September 24, 2021
-Pfizer Booster available for high risk
October 22, 2021
Moderna and J&J booster available for high risk
October 29, 2021
-FDA authorized Pfizer vaccine for children 5 to 11
November 3, 2021
-Pfizer available for children 5+
November 4, 2021
-Biden Administration announces mandates
-All covered employers must require employees be vaccinated by January 4th or provide a negative test.
-This included 17 million Health Care workers
November 20, 2021
-Booster available for all 18+