Thanks for this succinct article! Your summary comments are most valuable amidst the 'safe and effective' clamor. Exposing facts about vaccine trials/testing is essential for true informed consent!

The book 'HPV Vaccine on Trial' is an easy read and highlights the poorly constructed clinical trials, as you have here. It also highlights how HPV often clears itself and does not progress to cancer at a comparatively low rate for both vaccinated (0.18%) and unvaccinated (0.15%). And, how (especially in developed, aka "high resource", countries) regular health-screenings generally catch abnormal cells before any cervical cancer diagnosis. The takeaway for me is to improve education and emphasize regular screening. Not to play roulette with randomly unsafe adjuvants.

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Merck collaborates with Bill Gates, it is all public data:) Merck is the biggest pharma company in the world: USA, EU coverage and runs the show behind COVID 19, take a look at scientific articles from Germany against ivermectin, it is Hitler kind of propaganda, and Merkel prepared the ground for all of this, and now when the job is done she is out :) (she is Joe Biden of the Germany! its not her who is running this...but her husband). Germany is the headquarter of this big fat vaccine lie, and Europe: https://www.vaccineseurope.eu/about-us/the-eu-vaccine-industry-in-figures/

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do you know Merck is an over 350 years old company that wholeheartedly helped out Nazis, run by a German family!? do you know that Merck was making 1st HIV vaccine that spread the disease!?? in the 1970s.......HIV infection skyrocketed among their trial group! That is how it all started......and this is a rinse/repeat scenario.

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Mar 6Liked by Josh Walkos

Well researched. Enjoy your work Josh.

As life expectancy continues to drop in America ( admittedly drug overdoses bring down the average), I think everyone should be alert to what they are putting into their bodies. Our regulatory agencies are captured, as you and many others have pointed out. It baffles me and blows me away how many citizens just blindly do what western medicine advises with such poor results. We have more chronic diseases than ever before. USA is one of two countries that allows pharmaceutical advertisements (New Zealand). Rockefeller started a scary trend of infiltrating the medical industrial complex that still plays out to this day. Propaganda and marketing completely snows over half the public. Im glad you bring to light many scary truths. I hope we continue to awaken the masses!

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