This is excellent research and history Josh, well done and thank you. As a researcher myself, I know how much FOC effort goes into this work - a labour of love indeed! I haven't looked at Tedros - other priorities - so you have saved me lots of time.

I live in South Africa and focus on (not exclusively) SA and UK (being a British expat). Although I know the banking history, City of London et al, I am constantly searching for the origins of the global government concept and have arrived here: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/cecil-john-rhodes-a-south-african?r=hhrlz&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&triedRedirect=true

Clearly the Rothschilde and Rockefellers are behind the curtain, managed by the CFR, but the roots likely go back to Babylon with all the 'relgious implications of Baal et al. This chap is brilliant:


Best wishes and enjoy


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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Liked by Josh Walkos

It seems totally plausible that BMGF has been working with Tedros since he was Ethiopia's Minister of Health since 2005, as the foundation has been in Ethiopia since 2000. . . .Some young Ethiopian investigative journalists along with several ambitious international lawyers should implicate the both of them for the sterilization of the Amhara women;. Also, the disastrous effects the covid vaccines, which for some women, include sterilization as well. . . . How many more vaccines have Tedros and Bill Gates brought forth that caused harm to healthy populations? Tragically, they are just getting going, unless they are stopped

This is an exceptionally important article! Thank you.


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How could anybody in the United States allow a communist pig like Tedro's or Gates, and the rest of the Globalist to dictate their personal health decisions!

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