This is a most excellent and comprehensive analysis exposé, Josh of the UN Utopian Wet-dream. All of their ambitions are unrealistic beyond rational and doomed to fail, as you rightly imply. Thank you Josh, that's a lot of hard work and detailed research.

But there is hope as the multipolar world emerges assuming we can avoid an all-out global conflict:





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You nailed it. Nothing that the UN nor any of the other alphabet agencies push out is for the useless eaters benefit and has everything to do with money and achieving Agenda 2030. As the Plandemic evidenced, we are chattel to be eliminated, subjugated, and/or enslaved. Have you heard of Deagel Predictions ( https://www.thevoid.uk/void-post/deagel-2025-population-and-output-forecast-revisited-essential-guide/ )? Next year could be devastating for the world if the predictions turn out to be true.

The way I see it, the Cabal has come this far with their evil plans, they are starting to reveal the quiet parts which in and of itself is troubling, and I don’t see them throwing in the towel because of Trump…should we even have an election or it’s just outright stolen as was the last one. Whatever comes to pass, we are in for the most dangerous and trying times of our nation’s history and the world at-large.

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