Jun 14Liked by Josh Walkos

You are always very thorough, and I know many appreciate it. I’d like to add something to the egregious behaviour you’ve highlighted. In order to protect it’s profits and dominance, the pharma industry also encourages agencies to create difficulties in an attempt to slowly remove products that are safe (and dare I say effective) but inexpensive - such as herbs, homoeopathic remedies, etc.

We may be aware that research facilities in academia rely on pharma funding, hence a way of buying loyalty. But they also offer funding to private research organisations worldwide. I have a friend trained and specialising in a particular medical area who had been doing related research at a university. But upon joining a provide organisation, my friend started to diversify into other types of specialities including even once doing research on vaccine hesitancy. I also know of an academic in my part of the world (not in the west) doing vaccine-hesitancy research earlier on during covid. It seem like that’s also a good way to get people totally invested into the vaccine cult and encourage loyalty.

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Great compilation - thank you!

If we could get one topic through, this would be an ideal candidate..

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Great summary; I've filed a copy for future reference. Was surprised by the Dickens quote - did not expect Chardonnay to be such a thing in Dickens's era but I checked ... and Chardonnnay grapes were first planted/developed in the 12th century.

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Thanks Josh for organizing, identifying, and disclosing the corruption (on a good day) of #BigPharma. When I did my personal research, it took me back to the 1950's when I was discovering my Father's involvement in the Polio vaxx:


That was the post-War generation, and the USA thought we could solve anything. We can't. I did not wake up one day looking to destroys my Father's legacy, but Allopathic Medicine is done for me. We are way way past the line of "Crimes Against Humanity".

From my pinned tweet:

"As an Autism parent for 20+ years, the term "anti-vaxxer" was created for us. I now use http://PersonalMedicalCalculus.com as my offer to examine my journey from son of an Infectious Disease MD to Autism Advocate.

I try to remain constructive, but allopathic medicine is over for me. Sure I will use the emergency room and such, but I now use a REAL healer from https://anthroposophicmedicine.org who was trained in allopathic medicine and "figured it out" before Covid.

Cancer treatments are a topic that needs study, but just avoiding toxins in vaccines and toxins in food, water, and air seems like an obvious better plan."

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