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Dark Winter & The Ominous Anthrax Parallels

Analyzing the startling prescience of our central planners.

Dark Winter was a senior-level bioterrorism simulation exercise held at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland on June 22-23, 2001. It was designed by the Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Strategies (now the Center for Health Security), the Center for Strategic and International Studies, the ANSER Institute for Homeland Security, and the Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism. The same Johns Hopkins Center that held the now infamous Event 201.

This video, just like what they did with Event 201, is a fictional newscast that was created in order to show how the scenario they created would potentially play out in real life. If you think this is weird just wait until you read the rest of the thread. In it I will provide many ominous parallels between the Dark Winter scenario and what actually occurred in real life a short time later, just like what happened with Event 201 and COVID.

As mentioned Dark Winter took place in June 2001, 3 months before the first anthrax letter was mailed. Event 201 took place in October 2019, 3 months before the first case of COVID was declared in the United States.


Now let's compare the content of Dark Winter with what actually happened in reality with the Anthrax attacks. Both Dark Winter and the actual anthrax attacks involved anonymous letters sent to the media. In Dark Winter, the letters contained threats and a genetic fingerprint of the smallpox strain. In the anthrax attacks, letters contained threats and anthrax spores, which allowed for the identification of the strain.


In Dark Winter, the Secretary of State was hospitalized. In the anthrax attacks, letters with anthrax spores were sent to two prominent U.S. senators, Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy. Both whom initially voted against passing the PATRIOT ACT.


In Dark Winter Al Qaeda is on the list of suspects. An October 23 Washington Post article entitled “A War Game to Send Chills Down the Spine” says the following:

What no one at the meeting knows is that three two-man terrorist teams (spookily prescient, they are identified as being from al Qaeda) released the virus via aerosol spray in shopping malls in Oklahoma City, Atlanta and Philadelphia eight days before. Unknowingly, 3,000 Americans have been infected.


Both in Dark Winter and in real life it is reported that the attacks were possibly State Sponsored as well with Iraq being the primary perpetrator identified. This is a quote from Dark Winter:

There is a very high probability this attack was conducted by either a state or a state-sponsored international terrorist organization.”

As you can see with this article, Iraq was announced as a prime suspect immediately after the anthrax attacks.


Dark Winter also said the following: A “prominent Iraqi defector is claiming that Iraq arranged the bioweapons attacks on the US through intermediaries.” Now this is a quote from an Iraqi defector that was published on October 10, 2001 in WaPo":

[Khidhir] Hamza knows too well that if the terrorist network that hit the World Trade Center and the Pentagon has access to nuclear and biological weapons, it is probably through Iraq, through the weapons program that he headed until his escape in 1994.


Dark Winter included preparations for martial law including prohibition of free assembly, national travel bans, quarantine of certain areas, suspension of habeas corpus, and military trials. They say these things may be imposed if:

a crisis threatens to undermine the stability of the U.S. Government.” “Options for martial rule include, but are not limited to, prohibition of free assembly, national travel ban, quarantine of certain areas, suspension of the writ of habeas corpus [i.e., arrest without due process], and/or military trials in the event that the court system becomes dysfunctional.

Of course right after 9/11 the abomination that is the PATRIOT ACT was passed, the single most traitorous piece of legislation ever passed that completely shreds the 4th Amendment. This set the stage for the NSA’s mass domestic spying, military tribunals and all the other unconstitutional polices that encompass the “War on Terror”


In Dark Winter they lay out a scenario where citizens start to panic and start to implore the State to provide a medical solution to the problem. They say, “Mothers Plead for Vaccine as Supply Dwindles.”

Just one day after the first death from Anthrax was announced WaPo published an article by Rick Weiss entitled: “Source of Florida Anthrax Case I Sought” which contain this quote. “people are on their hands and knees begging for drugs.


The very same author wrote an article on September 28th which was prior to the Anthrax attacks, in you guessed it, WaPo discussing the demand that is rapidly growing for an Anthrax vaccine. Here is the opening paragraph:

The nation's only vaccine approved against anthrax has never been a best-seller. The only civilians who ever needed it were ranchers, hide handlers, veterinarians and the few scientists who worked with the deadly soil bacterium. Sept. 11 changed all that.”


Dark Winter explains that assaults and harassment is being directed towards Arab Americans “Reports of beatings and harassment of persons of dark skin and of Arab Americans are increasing in numbers and violence.”

In the fall of 2001, there is a wave of aggressive acts in the United States, ranging from name- calling to murder, directed against residents of suspected Arab ethnicity.

President Bush, briefly setting aside his war planning efforts, visited the mosque at the Islamic Center of Washington yesterday to admonish the nation not to avenge last week's terrorist attacks on innocent American Arabs and Muslims.”

If you recall, this tactic was used with Chinese people shortly after COVID.


On September 22, 2001, Ric Weiss, yet again published an article with the prescience of Nostradamus. Keep in mind this is prior to any Anthrax letter being mailed.

Soon after last week's terrorist attacks, federal health authorities told public health agencies to be on the alert for "unusual disease patterns associated with today's events," a bureaucratically phrased but nonetheless chilling hint of fear that the nation might be under biological attack.

So far, there is no evidence that the nation has suffered a bioterrorist attack, which could leave thousands of citizens infected and sickened within days after a clandestine microbial release.” It seems quite clear that Rick was chosen to be the publics primer for these events.


I would also like to highlight some key participants in the Dark Winter exercise.

Judith Miller: She played a reporter for the New York Times in Dark Winter. She also co-wrote the book “Germs” which warned about Iraq’s bioweapons program and received a bioweapon-threat letter to her office on October 12, 2001, shorty after the actual attacks began. She also was the leading voice in spreading the lie that Iraq had WMD’s used as a pretext for the USA to invade and destroy the country, killing a million civilians when it was all said and done.

James Woolsey: He played the director of the CIA (how original). He was the a real life CIA Director and an outspoken proponent of invading Iraq, trying to implicate them in both 9/11 and the anthrax attacks.

Jerome Hauer: Played the director of FEMA. He was involved in linking the 9/11 and anthrax attacks and participated in efforts to promote bioterrorism preparedness.

Tara O’Toole: A key designer of Dark Winter, later appointed as undersecretary of science and technology for the newly formed Department of Homeland Security. She has been criticized for her bioterrorism exercises, which were seen as alarmist and aimed at lobbying for increased biodefense spending. What does she do now? Oh she is just a Senior Fellow and Executive Vice President at In-Q-Tel the CIA’s very own venture capital firm.

If all of this isn’t enough for you to suspect foreknowledge and premeditation consider the following. In her book Mass Mediated Terrorism, Brigitte Nacos cites 27 references in the New York Times alone between September 12th and October 3rd, 2001 warning specifically about anthrax.

All of these warning preceded any public knowledge of the actual anthrax attacks. Many of the articles involved key U.S. government leaders such as Health Secretary Tommy Thompson, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Attorney General John Ashcroft, and White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card. These indications suggest that key officials had foreknowledge of the attacks, contradicting the claim that the government was caught off guard.


It also eventually emerged that some White House staff had been put on Cipro on September 11, 2001. Judicial Watch filed lawsuits in 2002 to uncover why White House staff began taking Cipro nearly a month before anthrax was detected on Capitol Hill. The administration’s evasions regarding this decision raised suspicions. I’m sure it was a coincidence and they all just had gonorrhea.:

"The American people deserve a full accounting from the Bush administration, the FBI and other agencies concerning the anthrax attacks," Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman said in a statement. "The FBI's investigation seems to have dead-ended, and frankly, that is not very reassuring given their performance with the Sept. 11 hijackers. One doesn't simply start taking a powerful antibiotic for no good reason. The American people are entitled to know what the White House staffers knew nine months ago."


One last thing I found that may be of interest is this article published on September 10, 2001 in Variety. It details the mini-series called “Terror” which involved a scenario of al-Qaeda setting off an explosion in the New York subway, accompanied by an anthrax release. It was shelved the next day.

“Terror” would have followed an Osama bin Laden devotee who goes from an al-Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan to New York. There, he detonates explosives in the subway under Times Square, killing over 1,000 New Yorkers. Investigators then discover a terrorist release of anthrax, and the storyline would subsequently include the threat of a release of smallpox.


The foreknowledge of the anthrax attacks is likely derived from the perpetrators, and the extensive media and governmental warnings were part of a broader plan to manipulate public perception and policy. It’s called “predictive programming”, something the government has been doing for decades.

I was stunned by the parallels to event 201 and how the pandemic unfolded and believe that when you take into account both “exercises” and the subsequent historical events that unfolded, as well as the similarities, this is the closest we are going to get to anything that resembles a smoking gun of foreknowledge. How anyone can rationalize these events as simply coincidences truly beggars belief.

We must come to terms with the lies if we ever hope to take our world back from the hands of evil men and women. Speak the truth, it's the only way. Silence is self censorship. If you would like to learn more about event 201 and the people involved with it and the covid pandemic to put Dark Winter into historical context, here is a piece I wrote that goes into great detail.


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