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VIDEO FLASHBACK: The Massachusetts School for the Feeble-Minded, brought to you by Eugenics

Unspeakable evil perpetrated on innocent children

This is a good find, an old 60 minutes episode that viewed with the benefit of hindsight sheds light on the nature of the government and what it is capable of if left to its own devices.

The Fernald School was initially founded with a “progressive” mission to educate and train individuals with intellectual disabilities. However, the school's history is marred by its involvement in monstrously unethical medical experiments, particularly during the mid-20th century.

One of the most notoriously evil episodes in the school's history involved the radioactive oatmeal experiments conducted between the late 1940s and early 1950s. These experiments were part of a series of studies approved by the Atomic Energy Commission to understand the nutritional effects of radioactive isotopes.

More than 70 boys at the Fernald School were fed oatmeal containing radioactive iron and calcium, ostensibly as part of a "Science Club" that offered special privileges like trips and extra food.

I’m sure the government would prefer you didn’t watch this.

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